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حسابك لائحة الأمنيات عربة التسوق نشرة الإصدارات
TAREK BIN ZIAD, Conqueror of Andalusia
لـ Zakaria Kaya
TAREK BIN ZIAD was the companion of Moussa Ben Nusseir, the descendant of al-Manathira Dynasty in Hira.

He joined the ranks of Mujahideens and was ordered by Moussa to cross the strait known at pres...إقرأ المزيد »

SAAD BIN ABI WAKKAS, Hero Hero of Alkaddissia Battle
لـ Zakaria Kaya
SAAD BIN ABI WAKKAS is the young tribesman who responded to Abi Bakr's call and joined. After his conversion to Islam, the ranks of the Mujahideens for the sake of liberating Arab lands. His field of ...إقرأ المزيد »
KHALED BIN ALWALID, Hero of The Yarmouk Battle
لـ Zakaria Kaya
KHALED BIN AL WALID was a great fighter who supported the noble Arab Prophet after being his sworn enemy. He conducted several battles for the liberation of Arab lands from the Greek occupation partic...إقرأ المزيد »
SALAH EL DINE EL AYYOUBI, Liberator of Jerusalem
لـ Zakaria Kaya
SALAH EL DINE AL AYYOUBI is of Kurdish descent born in Tikrit, Iraq. He engaged in his troops all Arabs, Muslims and Christians, to confront the Crusaders' invasion of the Arab lands.

He liberated J...إقرأ المزيد »

AMRO BIN EL AASS, Liberator of Egypt
لـ Zakaria Kaya
AMRO BIN AL AASS was one of the wealthy tribesmen of Qureish who at first opposed and fought against prophet Muhammad. He was sent by Qureish at the head of a delegation to al-Najashi, Emperor of Abys...إقرأ المزيد »
AMRO BIN EL AASS, Liberateur D'Egypte
لـ Zakaria Kaya
AMRO BEN EL AASS fut un des riches proprietaires qui s'opposaient ferocement au noble Prophete arabe. Il fut nomme a la tete d'une delegation de la Tribu Quoreish qui arriva en Abyssinie pour convainc...إقرأ المزيد »
SAAD BIN ABI WAKKAS, Hero de la Bataille D'Alkaddissia
لـ Zakaria Kaya
SAAD BIN ABI WAKKAS fut un jeune membre de la tribu de Quoreish qui repondit a l'appel d'Abou Bakr et joignit les rangs des Moujahidines pour la cause de la liberation des terres arabes occupees par d...إقرأ المزيد »
SALAH EL DINE EL AYYOUBI, Liberateur de Jerusalem
لـ Zakaria Kaya
SALAH EL DINE EL AYYOUBI fut un musulman kurde ne en takrit, Iraq. Il engagea dans ses troupes tous les Arabes, Musulmans et Chretiens, pour combattre les troupes etrangeres qui avaient occupe les ter...إقرأ المزيد »
TAREK BIN ZIAD, Conquerant de L'Andalousie
لـ Zakaria Kaya
TAREK BIN ZIAD etait le compagnon de Moussa Ben Nusseir, le descendant de la Dynastie des Rois de Hira.

Il se joignit aux rangs des Moujahidines et fut ordonne par Moussa bin Nusseir, tenant compte ...إقرأ المزيد »

مرتفعات وذرينغ
لـ اميلي برونتي
ولدت إميلي برونتي مؤلفة هذه القصة في عام 1818، كان لها أربع أخوات وأخ واحد. ماتت أختان لها بينما كانتا لا تزالان طفلتين لكن الأختين الاثنتين آن وتشارلوت أصبحتا فيما بعد كاتبتين مثل إميلي. كان أبو إميل...إقرأ المزيد »