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Tafseer Soorah al - Hujurat - تفسير سورة الحجرات
لـ Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Tafseer Soorah al-Hujurât: A Commentary on the 49th Chapter of the Qur’an is a treasury of divine advice, ‎commandments, and prohibitions regarding common problems in social relations, including gossi...إقرأ المزيد »
The Fundamentals of Tawheed : Islamic Monotheism - شرح مبادىء التوحيد
لـ Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Tawheed, the belief in the Oneness of Allah, is the core of the Islamic faith.‎ ‎
‎ Humans, as the designated vicegerents of Allah on earth, have been ordered to put this belief into practice ‎in...إقرأ المزيد »
Salvation Through Repentance - التوبة طريق النجاة
لـ Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
The subject of salvation is of particular concern to all who believe in God, because it is ultimately the goal which we all seek. Correspondingly, all religious systems offer one method or another by ...إقرأ المزيد »
Funeral Rites in Islam - احكام الجنائز
لـ Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
‎‘Death is the ultimate reality of life.’ This life on earth is only a transitory phase on the way to paradise or ‎hell, as the case may be.‎ ‎
‎ Islam as the complete code of life has a set of c...إقرأ المزيد »
Islamic Studies (Book 3) - دراسات اسلامية الجزء الثالث
لـ Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Experienced educator and scholar Dr. Bilal Philips has written this excellent four-year high school Islamic ‎Studies curriculum. Part three (the third year), Islamic Studies Book 3, may be used in Gra...إقرأ المزيد »
Islamic Studies (Book 1) - دراسات اسلامية الجزء الأول
لـ Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Experienced educator and scholar Dr. Bilal Philips has written this excellent four-year high school Islamic ‎Studies curriculum. Part one (the first year), Islamic Studies Book 1, may be used in Grade...إقرأ المزيد »
The Fundamentals of Tawheed : Islamic Monotheism - شرح مبادىء التوحيد
لـ Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Tawheed, the belief in the Oneness of Allah, is the core of the Islamic faith.‎ ‎
‎ Humans, as the designated vicegerents of Allah on earth, have been ordered to put this belief into practice ‎in...إقرأ المزيد »
Islamic Studies (Book 2) - دراسات اسلامية الجزء الثاني
لـ Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Experienced educator and scholar Dr. Bilal Philips has written this excellent four-year high school ‎Islamic Studies curriculum. Part two (the second year), Islamic Studies Book 2, may be used in ‎Gra...إقرأ المزيد »
Islamic Studies - دراسات إسلامية
لـ Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Experienced educator and scholar Dr. Bilal Philips has written this excellent four-year high school Islamic ‎Studies curriculum that may be used for students at the level of Grades 7-12.‎ ‎
‎ Eac...إقرأ المزيد »
The Purpose of Creation - الغاية من الخلق
لـ Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
The purpose of creation is a topic that puzzles every human being at some point in his or her life.‎ ‎
‎ Everybody eventually asks the question, “Why do I exist?” or “For what purpose am I here o...إقرأ المزيد »