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حسابك لائحة الأمنيات عربة التسوق نشرة الإصدارات
The PLO Critical Appraisals from the Inside
لـ Mohsen Mohammad Saleh
At the turn of the millennium, after decades of struggle, the Palestinian Liberation Organization was in a shambles. In 2005, a reconciliation conference held in Cairo seemed to offer some hope for th...إقرأ المزيد »
The Palestinian Strategic Report 2016 - 2017
لـ Mohsen Mohammad Saleh
This Report Al-Zaytouna Centre is pleased to present to its readers the Palestine Strategic Report (PSR) 2016–2017, the 10th PSR to be published. With an academic methodology and comprehensive, object...إقرأ المزيد »
The Palestinian Strategic Report 2018 - 2019
لـ Mohsen Mohammad Saleh
Al-Zaytouna Centre is pleased to present to its readers the Palestine Strategic Report (PSR) 2018–2019, the 11th PSR to be published. With an academic methodology and comprehensive, and objective app...إقرأ المزيد »
The Palestinian Strategic Report 2014 - 2015
لـ Mohsen Mohammad Saleh
The PSR 2014–2015, the ninth in its series, falls in 435 pages and seven chapters. ‎Edited by Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh, PSR 2014–2015 was written by 12 ‎specialized researchers, and reviewed by four ...إقرأ المزيد »
The Palestine Strategic Report 2020 - 2021‎
لـ Mohsen Mohammad Saleh ‎
Al-Zaytouna Centre is pleased to present to its readers the Palestine Strategic Report (PSR) ‎‎2020–2021, the 12th PSR to be published.
‎ ‎ With an academic methodology and comprehensive objec...إقرأ المزيد »
لـ Mohsen Mohammad Saleh
The booklet seeks to display the prominent features and determinants of the Islamic vision of the Palestine issue, which capitalizes on Shari‘ah concepts, the Divine universal laws, the accumulated hi...إقرأ المزيد »
Palestine… the holy land, the arena of conflict between good and evil. Since Abraham (PBUH), raised the banner of righteousness and al-Tawhid (monotheism) there, generations of prophets and righteo...إقرأ المزيد »
Basic Facts on the Palestine Issue ; Updated and Illustrated Version
لـ Mohsen Mohammad Saleh
As this booklet has succeeded in extracting the Basic Facts of this central cause and in
presenting them in the frame of an exceptional political, intellectual and civilizational
concept...إقرأ المزيد »
Basic Facts on the Palestine Issue ; An Islamic Perspective
لـ Mohsen Mohammad Saleh
As this booklet has succeeded in extracting the Basic Facts of this central cause and in presenting them in the frame of an exceptional political, intellectual and civilizational concept… Its pages ha...إقرأ المزيد »
The Palestinian Strategic Report 2012 - 2013
لـ Mohsen Mohammad Saleh
This study is the approved English translation of chapter seven of The Palestinian ‎Strategic Report 2012–2013, edited by Dr. Mohsen Moh’d Saleh.‎ ‎
‎ The Arabic version of this Report was releas...إقرأ المزيد »