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The Gulf States: Threat Perceptions and Security Policies

The Gulf States: Threat Perceptions and Security Policies
شحن مخفض
The Gulf States: Threat Perceptions and Security Policies
تاريخ النشر: 01/12/2007
الناشر: مركز الإمارات للدراسات والبحوث الاستراتيجية
النوع: ورقي غلاف عادي
نبذة R3ZjLWIVyuنيل TSvNKAYMnwوفرات:This FoRIADuM0zbrief h0onNhco4Gstudy kxlYsGau9rwill ZOq2BClrTifirst C6V0mUDi0Creview xJTQlhd4p5the C0NSJDSwWkperceived 7VEUepMmLIthreats c3uG4p6KQtwithin zsbYPDrczTthe cgwZFLf9M7Gulf F2rR2KOhZtregion IiQCUOUPfLand 8JW3F7GFasthen k88TXIat8fmove Ykngl5z4f2on 2z3b97fzm6to ejgGiLk7Omanswer OASaWXvPRLthe GMAjAVe7V2following DLhbaPdQ8Jquestions: UCo3nAQ3ok(1) KzRKyBT7gxwhy HnlXSctQ0his UPSh2dyH7athere flSKre4GMJa 6gKKcGrBkkneed g04gA5QJTvfor clafsvEKFOa iWezmNeheunew V8xW4frMkwcollective xtXrGTgEsRsecurity cR6Fbu6D5Wformula 1IFyJfYnmmfor e3zjqZ9W4Cthe HKZxrec2UIregion? kYRyGYYzRB(2) 53rfNkrVomhow viKCopThgEwill c8CNcpkbNCthe aJfBHOsTUhformula XqMInbnpjqbe fQsny8zOdxcreated? 0qiWlVdi5KAnd 80x0RVv5Aa(3) c52wxur2dKwhat oOQxhHiZwCwill 9euJtfstGMbe LFodueyWz2...the Dlfuvtta2jefficacy NFH8c8Krdrof b9vA9TzNccthis iwAE9W0ao0new WsBw0g8qbxformula EhSi1FZOvMin 4Q8Ybred0pmanaging 8JddESG0B3Gulf VjLPHbNsNCsecurity? 8uOLfguMuSThe b5qVz5dONistudy 9ZnD1Uesqaconcludes NWzHsN6C9xwith x5OT1241pMsome 80OFEhhkVvbrief ccvuepETDWcomments 0LQqUekEN0on 2ndOcOh5ckfuture FURMvvIuOKprospects xjwCNwsyUAfor 7MHVEY0RsAgulf iJQsqo5d6zsecurity. F1ZcLR1KaP

إقرأ المزيد
The Gulf States: Threat Perceptions and Security Policies
The Gulf States: Threat Perceptions and Security Policies

تاريخ النشر: 01/12/2007
الناشر: مركز الإمارات للدراسات والبحوث الاستراتيجية
النوع: ورقي غلاف عادي
نبذة R3ZjLWIVyuنيل TSvNKAYMnwوفرات:This FoRIADuM0zbrief h0onNhco4Gstudy kxlYsGau9rwill ZOq2BClrTifirst C6V0mUDi0Creview xJTQlhd4p5the C0NSJDSwWkperceived 7VEUepMmLIthreats c3uG4p6KQtwithin zsbYPDrczTthe cgwZFLf9M7Gulf F2rR2KOhZtregion IiQCUOUPfLand 8JW3F7GFasthen k88TXIat8fmove Ykngl5z4f2on 2z3b97fzm6to ejgGiLk7Omanswer OASaWXvPRLthe GMAjAVe7V2following DLhbaPdQ8Jquestions: UCo3nAQ3ok(1) KzRKyBT7gxwhy HnlXSctQ0his UPSh2dyH7athere flSKre4GMJa 6gKKcGrBkkneed g04gA5QJTvfor clafsvEKFOa iWezmNeheunew V8xW4frMkwcollective xtXrGTgEsRsecurity cR6Fbu6D5Wformula 1IFyJfYnmmfor e3zjqZ9W4Cthe HKZxrec2UIregion? kYRyGYYzRB(2) 53rfNkrVomhow viKCopThgEwill c8CNcpkbNCthe aJfBHOsTUhformula XqMInbnpjqbe fQsny8zOdxcreated? 0qiWlVdi5KAnd 80x0RVv5Aa(3) c52wxur2dKwhat oOQxhHiZwCwill 9euJtfstGMbe LFodueyWz2...the Dlfuvtta2jefficacy NFH8c8Krdrof b9vA9TzNccthis iwAE9W0ao0new WsBw0g8qbxformula EhSi1FZOvMin 4Q8Ybred0pmanaging 8JddESG0B3Gulf VjLPHbNsNCsecurity? 8uOLfguMuSThe b5qVz5dONistudy 9ZnD1Uesqaconcludes NWzHsN6C9xwith x5OT1241pMsome 80OFEhhkVvbrief ccvuepETDWcomments 0LQqUekEN0on 2ndOcOh5ckfuture FURMvvIuOKprospects xjwCNwsyUAfor 7MHVEY0RsAgulf iJQsqo5d6zsecurity. F1ZcLR1KaP

إقرأ المزيد
شحن مخفض
The Gulf States: Threat Perceptions and Security Policies

  • الزبائن الذين اشتروا هذا البند اشتروا أيضاً
  • الزبائن الذين شاهدوا هذا البند شاهدوا أيضاً

معلومات إضافية عن الكتاب

لغة: إنكليزي
طبعة: 1
السلسلة: Emirates Lecture
حجم: 21×14
عدد الصفحات: 41
مجلدات: 1
ردمك: 9948009142

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