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Game Changers - How Women in the Arab World Are Changing the Rules and Shaping the Future

(0)    التعليقات: 0 المرتبة: 622,892

Game Changers - How Women in the Arab World Are Changing the Rules and Shaping the Future
شحن مخفض
Game Changers - How Women in the Arab World Are Changing the Rules and Shaping the Future
تاريخ النشر: 01/01/1900
الناشر: motivate media group
النوع: ورقي غلاف عادي
نبذة t12SZSjCIDالناشر:Game C7pFlfCu0aChangers: oLVq6aZ5UTHow Pr1JWoVbQiWomen teulLPgw9gin g9TBMRfLWZthe 4oRYYlgPS7Arab uBO2QjrJOpWorld 4D6ONRIy7eAre jjo1oexFxAChanging JANbWPt2UCthe AF8H7zsclgRules NRTOXkmXMMand VVmoPC1538Shaping xQODOOmR4Zthe VutqX3R0oLFuture CFoiROsS3Eis JyknT7dp0ithe 9F4X1BB6BWseminal U2PqE3CFW0book vDZzqxjgH2on ZB0fN8LAspthe nwrfTRS4S2transformative DHDaXEQEHCpower rvyK7t3JNHof qbnHW0mTQIfemale OpxQxs99sjinclusion rh4Z929RiAin ZiqlKBt7oYthe s7X0Yb9SmOArab u4rDpiiyI5workforce.The aEKqSF9lf6authors 9cUE2vt4a7talk 4qEEf72X7Babout s6xtXXvHqsthe cWMqPriWM5challenges YoxMbU0gkWand NlpONcPBRdsuccesses 0WNR4gNoYXof XfkbMdHUrcwomen XpwDO1H9NMin MRfJ5cLPS6this gVsw0IbnbJregion, F5jOpUAjccaddress JPKllfaKhKcommonly C2bw6c80Egheld Zt7ehRIAtkstereotypes MBMPwBkgl4and IAgAgN3XTnmyths XAP7npSGdDsurrounding GKr89apv0E...this 21XKIymF8Esubject, YVQgwlWQCgand SOcRx9jjCfprovide yGXow7MeyYa dmIJOV4lKWbold oI44WmXfnJview pdd2gr8CTzon IRsNcFfDdLactions f8JP2ZN4Ckthat jG2YJajQCxcan XABkoGqq1rbe gucLErDxartaken OdaJqc1Ddcto vyaPXOGyBusupport IwdkdYDpurgreater GWQlSTA34mgender PXmY6RtxYZdiversity Vf7PSraZFBand ILjWFJSZ8dinclusion oNEpOVkopvat FgBEGBZbDBwork SLwCNeNAswand 0EzULhKQa8in gWJj7BjPpeour TQwFvMrcLKsocieties.
Complemented hU74wbQR3yby 1ibFu7bmFminspiring 69knMsi5z9interviews 1HfAZwZQX5with UCW2nKP1lyleaders LfGzOiKSqein 4Ws4HtdKQ8the huzKBDlsabregion, MsSaxVaQVQGame WgASb9j4t5Changers HfjorrQ78lhighlights 8rSpBLerGWwhy swY0la5QJCthe ts0fEHiETfongoing feSKTFxlqAinclusion 53wGLkqkdqof w0wE2PsNU5women CKIARoNopPin MTziIB6CEtworkplaces r8ACTfRoSeis nUAw8tt6Zxno Hb5xONKo6Alonger TZjBNFjfRMjust GzGlC2tdkpthe h0MgWpcdYf"right" FDsrvxL9SCthing koon2hFT5Wto tGdQtTmcPydo, CfrLhdhoZfbut quuSe3VzpOalso UsibV9zL9Lthe kJtuae8MgX"smart" ar5YG0lvMAthing 9XWaOj7pZito NFpo6QaaS0do.

إقرأ المزيد
Game Changers - How Women in the Arab World Are Changing the Rules and Shaping the Future
Game Changers - How Women in the Arab World Are Changing the Rules and Shaping the Future
(0)    التعليقات: 0 المرتبة: 622,892

تاريخ النشر: 01/01/1900
الناشر: motivate media group
النوع: ورقي غلاف عادي
نبذة t12SZSjCIDالناشر:Game C7pFlfCu0aChangers: oLVq6aZ5UTHow Pr1JWoVbQiWomen teulLPgw9gin g9TBMRfLWZthe 4oRYYlgPS7Arab uBO2QjrJOpWorld 4D6ONRIy7eAre jjo1oexFxAChanging JANbWPt2UCthe AF8H7zsclgRules NRTOXkmXMMand VVmoPC1538Shaping xQODOOmR4Zthe VutqX3R0oLFuture CFoiROsS3Eis JyknT7dp0ithe 9F4X1BB6BWseminal U2PqE3CFW0book vDZzqxjgH2on ZB0fN8LAspthe nwrfTRS4S2transformative DHDaXEQEHCpower rvyK7t3JNHof qbnHW0mTQIfemale OpxQxs99sjinclusion rh4Z929RiAin ZiqlKBt7oYthe s7X0Yb9SmOArab u4rDpiiyI5workforce.The aEKqSF9lf6authors 9cUE2vt4a7talk 4qEEf72X7Babout s6xtXXvHqsthe cWMqPriWM5challenges YoxMbU0gkWand NlpONcPBRdsuccesses 0WNR4gNoYXof XfkbMdHUrcwomen XpwDO1H9NMin MRfJ5cLPS6this gVsw0IbnbJregion, F5jOpUAjccaddress JPKllfaKhKcommonly C2bw6c80Egheld Zt7ehRIAtkstereotypes MBMPwBkgl4and IAgAgN3XTnmyths XAP7npSGdDsurrounding GKr89apv0E...this 21XKIymF8Esubject, YVQgwlWQCgand SOcRx9jjCfprovide yGXow7MeyYa dmIJOV4lKWbold oI44WmXfnJview pdd2gr8CTzon IRsNcFfDdLactions f8JP2ZN4Ckthat jG2YJajQCxcan XABkoGqq1rbe gucLErDxartaken OdaJqc1Ddcto vyaPXOGyBusupport IwdkdYDpurgreater GWQlSTA34mgender PXmY6RtxYZdiversity Vf7PSraZFBand ILjWFJSZ8dinclusion oNEpOVkopvat FgBEGBZbDBwork SLwCNeNAswand 0EzULhKQa8in gWJj7BjPpeour TQwFvMrcLKsocieties.
Complemented hU74wbQR3yby 1ibFu7bmFminspiring 69knMsi5z9interviews 1HfAZwZQX5with UCW2nKP1lyleaders LfGzOiKSqein 4Ws4HtdKQ8the huzKBDlsabregion, MsSaxVaQVQGame WgASb9j4t5Changers HfjorrQ78lhighlights 8rSpBLerGWwhy swY0la5QJCthe ts0fEHiETfongoing feSKTFxlqAinclusion 53wGLkqkdqof w0wE2PsNU5women CKIARoNopPin MTziIB6CEtworkplaces r8ACTfRoSeis nUAw8tt6Zxno Hb5xONKo6Alonger TZjBNFjfRMjust GzGlC2tdkpthe h0MgWpcdYf"right" FDsrvxL9SCthing koon2hFT5Wto tGdQtTmcPydo, CfrLhdhoZfbut quuSe3VzpOalso UsibV9zL9Lthe kJtuae8MgX"smart" ar5YG0lvMAthing 9XWaOj7pZito NFpo6QaaS0do.

إقرأ المزيد
شحن مخفض
Game Changers - How Women in the Arab World Are Changing the Rules and Shaping the Future

  • الزبائن الذين اشتروا هذا البند اشتروا أيضاً
  • الزبائن الذين شاهدوا هذا البند شاهدوا أيضاً

معلومات إضافية عن الكتاب

لغة: إنكليزي
طبعة: 1
حجم: 22×15
عدد الصفحات: 168
مجلدات: 1
ردمك: 9781860634352

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