ترتيب حسب:
نيل وفرات:In the aftermath of the 1982 exodus of the palestine liberation organization (PLO) from lebnon to Tunis, the palestinian resistance movement to Israeli occupation underwent a major tran...
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نيل وفرات:In the aftermath of the 1982 exodus of the palestine liberation organization (PLO) from lebnon to Tunis, the palestinian resistance movement to Israeli occupation underwent a major tran...
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نبذة الناشر:This book consists of an unprecedented factual and analytic survey of the first eight rounds of the Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations that took place in Washington D.C. following t...
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نبذة الناشر:Le soulèvement populaire qui se poursuit depuis fin 1987 en Cisjordanie et dans la bande de Gaza a projeté sur le devant de la scène les Palestiniens " de l'intérieur ". Mais si le term...
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