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ترتيب حسب:
Tibhirine: The Kidnapping of the monks
لـ Mohamed Balhi | دار الفارابي | 01/08/2002
ورقي غلاف عادي
نبذة الناشر:On the night of March 26-27 1996, seven trappist monks were kidnapped from their monastery, located at the heart of the Atlas. The fifty-six days of their detention, then the announceme... إقرأ المزيد »

Tibhirine: L'enlevement des moines
لـ Mohamed Balhi | دار الفارابي | 01/08/2002
ورقي غلاف عادي
نبذة الناشر:Dan la nuit du 26 au 27 mars 1996, sept moines trappistes sont enleves de leur monastere situe au coeur le l'Atlas.

Les cinquante-six jours de leur detention, puis l'annonce de le... إقرأ المزيد »