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ترتيب حسب:
Gratitude and Complaint Journal: Funny Rage Therapy for Teens - Daily Gripes, Rants and Reflections with Prompts for Stress Relief
لـ Childlike Mischievous | Childlike Mischievous | 06/01/2025
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The Assassin's Warning: One Boy's Search for Justice in the Shadow of War
لـ Malachy Fivey | Historical Fiction International | 29/11/2024
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Lila and the Friendship Garden with Many Seeds
لـ Sarah Evans | The Good Child Bookstore | 12/11/2024
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Zane and the Sports Day with Many Abilities
لـ Benjamin Cole | The Good Child Bookstore | 12/11/2024
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The Island With Several Cultures
لـ Caleb Morris | The Good Child Bookstore | 11/11/2024
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Own Up! : How To Hold People Accountable Without All The Drama
لـ Jennifer T Long | ForbesBooks | 08/10/2024
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إلتزام القضاء العمالي بالمعايير الدولية The Labor Judiciary's Observance with the International Standards
لـ رياض محمود أحمد عليان | مركز الدراسات القانونية | 03/10/2024
كتاب إلكتروني/epub
توفر الكتاب: يتوفر في غضون 48 ساعة
نبذة الناشر:انضمت المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية إلى منظمة العمل الدولية عام 1956، وقد صادق الأردن على 26 اتفاقية من اتفاقيات المنظمة، ومنها سبع من اتفاقياتها الأساسية الثماني، والاتفاقية الوحيدة التي ل... إقرأ المزيد »

The Adventures of the Kindness Club : Discovering the Superpowers Within
لـ Rasha Zeitoun | Austin Macauley | 23/08/2024
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نبذة المؤلف:Embark on a heartwarming journey with “The Adventures of the Kindness Club: Discovering the Superpowers Within” In the enchanting town of Greenville, meet Sammy and the diverse Kindness... إقرأ المزيد »

Tell Yourself : Not New but True - Revamp The Way You Deal With Yourself And With Others
لـ Elsa Franco | Austin Macauley | 23/08/2024
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نبذة المؤلف:The Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius once wrote, “The art of living is more similar to a fight than to a dance.” Is this truly the case? It seems so, judging by the world a... إقرأ المزيد »

The Most Lamentable Comedy of Oswald and Livia with Short Stories and Poems
لـ Marshal Taylor | Palmetto Publishing | 20/08/2024
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Gone with the wind
لـ margaret mitchell | يو إم للنشر والتوزيع | 22/07/2024
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